Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tom Petty was right

Still, no baby.

I'm just ready to get the whole terrifying/disgusting "birth" part over with.

I have it on good authority that the process of birth is rather revolting ( not a huge surprise ). When did we, as a culture, start the myth that it was "magical" and "beautiful"?

I'll let you know how it is after she's born.

Her name is Lily. Her middle name is Judith ( after my Mom, who doesn't know yet, but I SERIOUSLY doubt my Mom reads my blog. We wanted to tell her after Lily was born ). If you've never had the pleasure of meeting my Mom, then it would be hard to explain just how awesome she is.

Here's a picture of Lily's room. ( formerly our dining room ). Note our cat Charlie asleep in her bouncer thingey. Charlie has taken up residence there. So much so that we've seriously considered buying another bouncer just for Charlie. That's how much he loves it.

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Mels said...

Make the cat wear diapers!!!!

And the comment about birth being magical just made me think of unicorns and wizards. Will there be a unicorn there? Because that would be sweet.

Anonymous said...

Not real sure who your authority on the matter is but it really comes down to your own impression of the aformentioned event. I would say that there are some things that just seem to be everyday happenings but that are usually private, but it is your kid that is finally arriving to breath real oxygen and that is the really cool part about it. The rest becomes null and void.