to see how this next election shakes out. Right now, it's particularly hilarious to watch all the right-wing radio show hosts be REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLY careful about what they're saying.
Essentially, these people ( your Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaugh's and Mark Levine's ) are all just fluffers for the Republican party. Now, they'd rather have a really "conservative" candidate ( not a REAL conservative, like, say, Ron Paul ), but they'll have to end up washing the feet of whoever gets the nomination. And, boy, do they hate the thought of it being McCain. Not a peep from Hannity about Giuliani. ( a man that he'd have happily gone down on up until today ).
They seem to be hedging towards Romney, but they're flinchy about it because they know that a huge part of the Republican base ( Christians ) are having a hard time swallowing the Mormon thing. See, this is what happens when you deal with fundamentalists. At the end of the day, they don't give a rat shit about the issues, just which flavor of "god" their chosen candidate happens to swear allegiance to. Usually, that's a good thing for the Republicans, but I don't think Jesus currently has a dog in this hunt and, man, that's some scary shit for them.
I watched part of the State of the Union the other night, and all I could think was: Every single thing that you're talking about, doesn't effect you in any way.
Health Care?
Nope. From what I understand, the president gets pretty good life-long medical coverage.
Nope. The president isn't getting laid off and I seriously doubt that he actually has to pay for a tank of gas out of his own pocket.
Shit, he didn't even have to do his National Guard duty. He's not gonna be on the ground in Iraq any time soon.
My point being, it seems so ludicrous to me that the people who make these decisions are almost NEVER directly affected by them and that seems so fucking WRONG to me.
I still predict that the nominees will be Romney and Clinton and Clinton will win. ( and nothing will change )
I still don't understand how you can listen to right wing radio....
Speaking of listening to things, somehow this shit-tastic band called Spilling Poetry got on my IPod... jk. I listen to you at the gym!!!
Hey. I don't have your email, but my blog had to run away from the threat of high school children. I'm here now.
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