Sunday, February 24, 2008


John Hagee is fucking INSANE.

I was flipping through the channels today and happened upon his fat ass hollering at 5000 people and I'm just AMAZED. I'm amazed that people take him seriously, give him money or listen to a fucking WORD he says. All the Israel shit aside ( and, seriously, is all this uproar really worth dying for? I mean how fucking small is that chunk of land these fuck-wits have been fighting over, anyway? ), he has some nutso end-of-times stuff to say.

And, he's fucking fat.

If you still can't get enough of ol' John, why not choose one of the many ways to send him some cash? That way, he can continue to pull down one million plus a year in "salary".

And, uh, FUCK Nascar for screwing up the Simpsons and Family Guy tonight. And, no, I will NOT watch the Oscars instead.


Erin said...

Awww, it sounds like you just can't catch a break, can you?

Tyson said...

Dude... please tell me you aren't a "Family Guy" guy... That would just make me sad.