Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cautiously hopeful; but not really.

For the half-dozen or so people that read this jackassery, I would direct you to Tammy's comment regarding how Obama's speech made her feel:

"It's the kind of speech that makes me want to drop to my knees and beg the Universe, "Please. PLEASE let the man who delivered this speech truly BE the kind of man that he seems to be. And if he truly IS that kind of man, please, PLEASE let him remain that way once he is elected."

It's difficult for me, sometimes, to genuinely embrace hope through the barriers of my cynicism. I'm like a little girl who looks up at her father with adoration and reverence, but still holds on to the nagging fear that he may backhand her across the face at any moment."

She has precisely NAILED exactly how I feel about the speech and Obama.

I'm a complete pessimist and I get so flinchy when I realize that a politician has made me hopeful ( even a *little* hopeful ).

So, Barack, don't let me down. ( though, deep down, I know that you will )


1 comment:

Tyson said...

Oddly enough, I heard just such a speech in 1996 from, if you can believe it, Ross Perot. Before you laugh yourselves silly, I didn't vote for him, but after hearing his speech, in which he gave a strong, solid argument for removing lobbyists and special interests from the legislative process, I remember think at the time that if people started taking him seriously, he was bound to be shot. I am really digging on Barack, if for no other reason than that he sems to understand that the world is a complex place, not the simple black-and-white place that's been pushed on us for 8 years.