I voted in the primary today.
Not with my heart, but with my head.
My reasoning?
Let's just say that, hypothetically, you HAD to date a leper. On said leper-date, you have a choice of three different lepers.
1. Old Leper: This crusty skinned monstrosity has had leprosy for a while. She's missing an arm, has some open sores and just looks really "leperey". There's no doubt in your mind that if you try to hold her hand you will end up HOLDING HER HAND.
2. Mid-Life Leper: She's still got all her limbs and most of her sores can be hidden by that sassy little sun-dress she's wearing. While you'd like to convince yourself that maybe what's waiting underneath the aforementioned dress isn't so bad, you know you're fooling yourself. Once the dress comes off, so does THE MAJORITY OF HER SKIN. ( don't you like the dramatic "leper unveilings?" )
3. Brand New Leper: You can't even really tell anything's wrong with her yet. Sure, there may be the beginning of a sore or two, but you could easily convince yourself that it's probably just skin cancer. Not, you know, LEPROSY.
Any way you cut it, all three have leprosy and they're all fucked. You're just hoping that maybe with the new leper, before things get too bad, maybe someone will find a cure. ( is there a cure for leprosy? clearly I have not done my appropriate metaphor-related research )
I'll now step away from our game of Choose Your Leper:
I think that Obama has a better shot at beating McCain in the general election than Clinton and for that, I feel o.k. hedging my bets. There's something about McCain that I just don't trust and the fact that he's been in politics for so long only means that the list of people he owes "favors" to is really fucking long. Clinton's list is shorter, and Obama's is even shorter.
None of these clowns has the brains or courage to do what really needs to be done. ( get us the FUCK out of Iraq without causing it's collapse or some monstrous genocide, fix our healthcare system, stop corporate and agricultural welfare, etc., etc. )
I'm just hoping that in the meantime they can keep from making things worse.
I'm also working really hard on being less cynical. ( but I just can't get excited about any of these candidates )
Tyson is right -- you ARE "a funny mother f*cker".
Good, good stuff.
Man, your stupid state chose Hillary. I guess, considering the hate-Clinton atmosphere there, that this only illustrates that the only thing worse to a Texan than a Clinton is a n*gger... (before you send me hate-mail, watch the first episode of season 11 Southpark, bitches!)
It just makes me sad that you posted "n*gger" instead of "nigger".
No asterisks are needed here.
And I've seen the episode of South Park and I'm totally with you.
And anyone that thinks you or I are some sort of racist obviously doesn't get the joke. ( and yes, it's still ok to make jokes, despite what Al Sharpton might have you believe )
I used the asterisk to be funny! As in Texas hates nAggers, not nIggers... like in the Wheel of Fortune clue. :)
Man, sometimes I'm so clever I hurt myself.
owwwww! It hurt me too!
It hurt my goddam FEELINGS ya insensitive bastards!
Feelings are boring...
Racism is AWESOME!
I saw the South Park last night where Cartman starts a christian band ( Faith + 1 ). One of my favorite episodes.
Filthy nagger.
"I want to get on my knees and please you Jesus, I want to feel your warm love all over my face," or something to that effect;
Perhaps the greatest lyrics of all time?
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