Thursday, May 20, 2010


I met Eric Copeland the first day of sixth grade in 1984. It was my first day of school ( junior fucking high no less ) in a new town. We had just moved to Plainview, TX a week or so earlier.

Eric was sitting next to me in my very first class and he was the first person to talk to me. We became fast friends.

That's Lily and Eric's daughter Emma who is 12. The same age Eric and I were when we met.

Getting older blows my mind sometimes.
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1 comment:

Ty said...

tell me about it; I saw Back to the Future on the bus ride home from Tetons on Friday, and it occurred to me that the time difference between when that movie came out and the time he went back to is about the same as between now and when the movie came out; my 1950's is like my son's 1980's.