Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ron Paul

doesn't have a prayer, but if I had to vote for a Republican, he'd be it.

I watched most of the debate tonight and he came off like such a badass. It's clear he doesn't give a SHIT about how he appears on TV, he just wants to make his position clear and you have to respect that.

Romney's a douche, Guiliani's a douche, Huckabee's a super-douche, and I think I could suffer through Fred Thompson as our president, but just because he seems like your cranky grandpa who occasionally slips you a $50 and tells you to "get the hell away from me".

So, my predictions?

Republican candidate will be Romney or Guiliani, it's still too early to tell but I'm leaning towards Romney as the likely candidate.

Democrat will be Clinton. Obama might have a shot in 2012, but Hillary will get the nomination. I think she'll win the election. I'm indifferent about her. As I've stated before, I think they're all fucking crooks. ( Kucinich is easily the most sincere and closest in line with my own, personal ideals, but he doesn't have a fucking chance. He's too honest and his wife's too hot )

Oh, and I quit smoking.

As of tomorrow night at 11:00 pm it will be a week since my last cigarette.

No nicotine gum, no patch, no meds, no bullshit.

I'm doing it for one reason only, my daughter. That seems to be a pretty strong motivator for the time being.

We'll see, though, I never say never.

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