Sunday, May 25, 2008

snot and drool

Lily's sick. ( and teething, we think )

She has a cold and she's trying to be tough about it, but for chrissakes, she's only 5 months old.

The only things that make her happy are getting to pet Lucy and when I say her name in this realllllllly deeeeeeeeeeep vooooooooiiiiiccccccccce.

Bonus of the week: State Farm wrote me a check for $2,293.68 for hail damage to my car.

The Mayer family could really, REALLY use $2,293.68 right about now.


Mels said...

when the whole big tornado scare thing happened up here a few months ago i specifically moved my car out from the covered parking and left it in the open hoping to be pelted so that i could use the money to pay off my debt. of course it didn't even get dinged.

feel better lily!!!

Unknown said...

What you *really* need is another baby.

Michael said...

Oh, god.

Oh, god NO.