That being said, what really bothers me right this second is this picture:

The ways in which it bothers me are legion.
This is a picture of an obscure band in Austin, TX. A band that you will probably never hear of again ( god willing ).
The picture is just stuck in my craw, like a splinter or a piece of popcorn that I can't get from between my teeth.
Maybe it's resentment?
Maybe I miss being in a band?
(Although, in all fairness, the gayest picture of me in a band is here and I'm not wearing any lace,velvet or a forchrissakesgoddamn SCARF)
I think what REALLY bothers me is:
a) How much they look like "The Lost Boys"

b) They actually liked these photos enough to put them up for public consumption.
(The link is totally worth the click. There are "individual shots" that are even more ridiculous than the group shot, not to mention the fact that this entire photo shoot apparently took place in the bathroom of some goth kid with a Pier One credit card)
It goes without saying that the singer is into it, but at some point didn't the bass player say, "Dude, NO. We look like fools. Pouty, velvet wearing FOOLS." You expect the drummer to just go with the flow, and the guitar players are probably secretly down for anything that involves eyeliner and making pensive faces, but I'm disappointed that the bassist didn't make a stand. He looks like a reasonable guy and this sets a dangerous precedent for lead singers (and their girlfriends) with photo "concepts".
This does not bode well for brick walls, train tracks and alleyways.
Mark my words.
( As a disclaimer, I wrote this post because this band somehow keeps popping up on Myspace. They're either a "friend of a friend" or some such shit and everytime I follow a link, there they are. They're like a goddamn booger on my Myspace finger. A velvet-wearing, over gelled-hair-having booger. )
( And, yes, I know that Myspace is really for 15 year old girls. )
( I feel the need to defend my Myspace usage, but in the interest of brevity, I'll just let it go )
( I'm not a pedophile )
I am pretty sure that the leade singer is actually Derek Zoolander
Um, "lead" singer... wasn't going for the Old English spelling.
I think we should all try to out-do these guys by taking even more outlandish glam shots of ourselves... then we can link to this band and share them. Sort of an "I'm more pensive and mysterious than YOU" contest.
I can't see the link because I'm not on MySpace!
I used to be proud of that.
Now I just feel lonely.
So how is this different than Ratt, Poison, Motley Crüe and the like? RIDDLE ME THAT, MICHAEL?!
Disclaimer: I am in no way a fan of the band in question.
Keeping you in check,
All of the 80s hair bands who wore ridiculous "gothy" clothes were:
a. signed to a major label, playing arenas and putting on a "show" ( with what they deemed to be necessary props and wardrobe )
b. playing music in the 1980s.
As much as you want to call me out on this one, I'll stand by it.
It all just seems a little desperate, honestly. Like they want to play dress up and I find that disingenous.
Gosh, I got all serious.
P.S. Ratt was awesome.
you've obviously never walked the streets of los angeles in the past thirty years. those dudes were and are everywhere. not all glam bands were signed, doo doo head.
Well of course they weren't/aren't.
My point, and it's getting more and more difficult to make it clearly, is that THEY LOOK FUCKING RIDICULOUS.
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