Friday, December 17, 2010

chat logs

9:55 AM Megan: i just sent you a link to your xmas gift
 me: i'll check it out
 Megan: yeah
9:56 AM me: rats with spikes
 Megan: hahaha
 me: fucking GREAT
 Megan: michael, they come with vitamins
 me: just what every family needs
9:57 AM fuckin Hedgehog Vitamins
 Megan: yep
 me: what the hell is WRONG with people?
 Megan: im going to get those for you...and a snake...and a baby parrot
  and a german shep puppy
9:58 AM you can put them all in the 55 gallon aquarium i will also buy for you
 me: GREAT.
 Megan: and the zebra finches
 me: it'll be a Merry Fucking Christmas in the Mayer house
 Megan: gotta get two because the person will not separate them
9:59 AM me: added bonus: my place will smell like Herpeton
 Megan: mmmmm
  that exotic animal scent
  scentsy should trademark that smell
10:00 AM and make it into a featured or 'seasonal' smell
 me: "Dave's Dank Dungeon"
 Megan: hahahahaha
  in the 'creeper' section of scents
 me: hahhahahha
 Megan: also available: "used panties"....."old tacos and failure"
 me: between "Dried Semen" and "Fresh Blood "
 Megan: hahahahahaha
10:01 AM I was TOTALLY going to suggest "dried semen" too
  "dingle berries and comic books"
 me: "12 Sided Die and Cheetos"
10:02 AM Megan: hahahaha
  also available: "just doritos"
 me: Also in the creeper section "Rope Burns 'n Desperation"
 Megan: sick!
10:03 AM creeper romance section: "new computer and Lubriderm"
 me: hhhahahahhahah ( "just doritos" )
  "Jergens 'n Japanimation"
10:04 AM Megan: hahahaha
  man...we could make tons of cash
10:05 AM if scentsy only knew

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