Friday, January 4, 2008


From my favorite political blog, The Rude Pundit:

"Essentially, the whole nation is now forced to wait to see what the shit kickers of Iowa have to say. It's like everyone gathering around the Thanksgiving table and when stroke-victim Grandma starts to slurringly, slurpingly speak, the rest of the family grows silent to hear what she thinks of the meal. And if you agree with Grandma just because she's Grandma, goddamnit, then the Iowa caucus might be meaningful to you. But if you nod and smile and say, "That's fine, Grandma. Pass the gravy," then you are ready to grow up."

For the record, Mike Huckabee scares the shit out of me, but I still hold fast to my assumption that all of the candidates ( regardless of party affiliation ) are lying, scummy bags of shit. ( yes, even Obama )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you just hate black people asswipe
